
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 cup steel-cut oats

Bring water to a boil in a covered pot.  Add oats.  Turn down heat to a simmer.  Stir frequently, then occasionally, while simmering uncovered for 20 minutes.

If you remember to throw the oats and water into a pot the night before, you can bring the covered pot up to heat and simmer covered until it’s heated through and tastes done. Much less stirring required.

Oatmeal will be thick.  Taste to confirm doneness.  Top with sugar, add dried fruit, drizzle maple syrup, to taste.  Add milk.

My Scottish forebears are turning in their graves, that I prefer English sweetened milky oatmeal to plain salted.  But it’s so good!!

Update May 2022: oh lord in heaven, I just tried it with salt again and it is DELIGHTFUL!

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